[*BCM*] Bike lanes, actually

Moz list at moz.geek.nz
Sun Oct 30 03:31:29 EST 2005

Tom Landers said:
> Part of what makes traffic engineering work is consistent
> expectations

So the trick is to build the facility so that it's obvious what it
does. I've seen various things around the world, but NZ is where I
have photos of.

Here's a shared path where it's quite obvious which bit you walk on,
and which you ride on. They added the pedestrian/bike lane under a
bridge after community feedback :)
And here it's also hopefully obvious:
The boardwalk is necessary for about 100m so they don't kill those

In Christchurch there's a lot of bike stuff on the road, including
some bits where they've done wierd stuff to get bikes through the
direct way. Here's a footpath-cycleway crossing a road (NZ ride on the
left side of the road)
The white diamonds are the bike sensor for the traffic light:

I think it can be done, it just takes a little imagination and a
willingness to use good ideas from elsewhere.


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