[*BCM*] Boston Bikers

Ari Pollak ajp at aripollak.com
Thu Aug 17 12:05:48 EDT 2006

I get an occasional wave or nod when I'm out biking recreationally where
it's rarer to see another biker. But in the city, bikers are so common
and there's so much car traffic; A certainly applies, but you also just
get used to other bikers. It would be like if pedestrians in the city
expected a response from random other pedestrians walking by.

On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 11:57 -0400, TSmith4918 at aol.com wrote:
> Just some rambling:
> So, someone splain to me the following about Boston bikers;  why is it
> so dang hard to get a friendly response, a nod, wave, or
> acknowledgement of our fellow bikers in the area?...could it be:
> A.  FEAR: People are too preoccupied avoiding becoming hood ornaments
> that they are oblivious to other bikers.

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