[*BCM*] GPS for Bikes

Mars martian at MIT.EDU
Fri Feb 1 11:48:59 EST 2008

Radio Frequency :)

> RF? please explain:  rear fender?

Standard GPS (as far as I know) is a read-only service, meaning a device 
may query a satellite for it's own location, but no data may be sent TO 
the satellite, and the GPS protocol will only send to your device it's 
own location, not a list of locations.

For GPS to work, the satellite would need to be redesigned to not send 
the querying device it's own location, but a list of locations of other 
devices near the querying device.

With RF, one could simply create a device similar to an 

A vehicle could simply scan the frequency X for signal, and assuming 
each bicycle's transmitter would only go 100 feet or so (which would be 
allowed by the FCC), the car could signal an alert whenever a signal is 
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