[*BCM*] spoiled citizens of brookline.

tjvitolo at bu.edu tjvitolo at bu.edu
Thu May 29 11:54:57 EDT 2008

It's worth noting that the Brookline Town Meeting voted last night 
(with a majority greater than 2/3s) to reduce the parking requirements 
for a large development at 2 Brookline Place.  I think it points to 
Brookline beginning to embrace zoning that encourages ridership of the 
MBTA, walking, and bicycling.

This isn't an independent incident either.  The Brookline Department of 
Public Works has installed well over 100 bicycle racks in the past 
year.  The Highway Department is incorporating contraflow bike lanes 
and other bicycle accommodations in new roadway design work.  The Town 
sponsored a Brookline Bikes Beacon event on May 18, where well over 500 
bicycle riders of all ages and abilities got a police escort ride up 
and down the length of Beacon Street at 12:30 pm, in spite of BU 
graduation and a Red Sox game.

Brookline's government -- and Brookline as a community of individuals 
-- have a long way to go with respect to the incorporation of safe 
bicycling in everyday life.  But, the good news is that there is a 
demonstrated willingness of town employees, town government, and the 
citizens to embrace this positive change.

I hope that young driver drives safely in the future.  I hope that 
Brookline continues to improve the bicycling climate in town.  And, I 
hope that you apologize for painting a town of 57,000 people of 
incredible diversity with a single brush, as well as for using the word 
"bitches," which was entirely unnecessary and inappropriate.

Tommy Vitolo
Brookline resident

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