[*BCM*] Predictable Coverage Prompts Predictable Letter

Jym Dyer jym at econet.org
Wed Sep 8 15:57:56 EDT 2010

=v= Such quality discourse, totally worth killing trees to
print.  Let's respond to some bad thing by fussing about a
totally unrelated bicyclist who did a completely different
bad thing at some point in our lives.  That way, we won't
have to think troubling thoughts about the most important
thing int he story:  a police officer with a history of

=v= Bonus points for the psychoanalyzing in the headline.


Bike-friendly cities are two-way streets
The Boston Globe | 08-Sep-2010 

RE "CYCLIST says police officer pushed him: Critical Mass
rider was issued ticket" (Metro, Sept. 1): As a person who
enjoys cycling and occasionally urban bicycle commuting, I
was surprised to see the Critical Mass advocates' bicycle
ride described as "unencumbered because they didn't wait for
red lights."  Even small children learn that cyclists must
obey the rules of the road.

Recently in downtown Boston I was almost run over by a speeding
cyclist who did not even slow down for a large group of legally
crossing pedestrians, and barreled through the middle of us.
As a small person, I would have been seriously injured had a
collision occurred.

If the goal of the group Critical Mass is to make cities
more friendly to cyclists, it might want to first show that
bicyclists themselves intend no harm.

	Diane Pingeton

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