Flyers for distribution! Just download 'em, print 'em out, and photocopy!
Or make your own! If you want to post a flyer on the web-site, join the e-mail list.
For the four-fold flyers, try punching a hole in the corner and attach them to your handlebars with a zip-tie. Then you can hand them out in motion!
"Universal" Flyers
Use them anytime -- anywhere!
- "Business Cards" (PDF Format, 65783 Bytes)
- You're Invited... (Four-Fold, PDF Format, 538804 bytes)
- "What Are We Doing?" (Four-Fold, PDF Format, 160000 bytes)
- Attaches to parked bikes (Four-Fold, PDF Format, 16600 Bytes)
- The Solution to Pollution... (Four-Fold, PDF Format, 36646 bytes)
- Welcome to Critical Mass (for innocent bystanders) (Four-Fold, PDF Format, 524288 Bytes)
Full-size 8-1/2x11 or more
Good for wall-posting applications
You can use 'em, if you can figure out how to change the date
- Ride Daily--Celebrate Monthly! (Four-Fold, PDF Format, 50847 Bytes)
- Bring Your Momentum (Poster, PDF Format, 400 KB)
- Auto-Free (Four-Fold, PDF Format, 98211 bytes) (to distribute to drivers)
- The Bush Energy Plan (Poster, PDF Format, 1035 KB)
- Warmth in Numbers - January 2001 Ride (Poster, PDF Format, 168224 bytes)
Soon to be an extensive archive
View these flyers with GhostScript/GSView (free; get both):
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Mac -